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Campanie pentru Suveranitatea asupra Semințelor

Seeds must remain part of the Commons!

Diversitatea semintelor în pericol! –
NU vrem o lege europeanã în beneficiul industriei de seminte!

Stimaţi membri ai Comisiei,
Stimaţi membri ai Parlamentului,
Stimaţi membri ai Consiliului,

O nouã legislaţie privind seminţele este în lucru la Bruxelles. Dacã planurile Directoratului General pentru Sãnãtate şi Consumatori devin realitate, sute de mii de varietãţi de fructe, legume şi cereale vor dispãrea de pe piaţã. Toate aceste varietãţi diverse ar urma sã fie împiedicate de birocraţie, în timp ce puterea agriculturii industriale va creşte.
Versiunile actuale disponibile ale proiectului de lege promoveazã concentrarea pieţei de seminţe doar în mâinile unui numãr restrâns de corporaţii. Acest lucru este inacceptabil. O nouã legislaţie privind seminţele ar trebui sã permitã diversitatea seminţelor, potrivite pentru agricultura la scarã micã şi pentru inovarea în agricultura ecologicã. Seminţele trebuie sã fie disponibile nu doar în bãncile de gene, dar şi pe piaţa liberã, fãrã nicio restricţie birocraticã.
În acest sens, vrem: NU înregistrãrii obligatorii a seminţelor! Mai mult, criteriile curente de înregistrare a varietãţilor trebuie reduse în cazul varietãţilor destinate agriculturii organice în virtutea diversitãţii sale. Agricultura trebuie sã poatã rãmâne adaptabilã la schimbãrile climatice, la noii paraziţi sau boli care se dezvoltã, precum şi la noile metode de lucru prietenoase cu mediul.
Niciuna dintre legile europene existente privind seminţele sau propunerea de lege actualã nu au în vedere aceste cerinţe. Aceste legi pun în pericol atât diversitatea seminţelor, cât şi patrimoniul nostru agricultural comun. Aceste legi ameninţã sistemul alimentar sustenabil şi sãnãtos. Ele existã doar pentru a servi intereselor industriei agrochimice.
Vã solicitãm dumneavoastrã, membrilor Comisiei, Parlamentului şi Consiliului Uniunii Europene, sã respingeţi orice propunere care nu îndeplineşte cerinţele menţionate mai sus! Nu dorim distrugerea diversitãţii din agriculturã şi horticulturã în Europa!

Pentru mai multe informaţii, vã rugãm accesaţi:
- Campania pentru Suveranitate Alimentarã:
- Blogul lui Patrick Wiebe:

Legislaţia europeanã actualã privind seminţele îşi are originea în vremea când protejarea mediului, a naturii şi diversitatea biologicã erau subestimate. Numeroase întreprinderi de ameliorarea plantelor au adus atunci pe piaţã o diversitate de varietãţi. Cele mai multe dintre acestea au putut fi reînsãmânţate dupã recoltã, o tehnicã prezentã şi practicatã de mii de ani, de-a lungul istoriei agriculturii.
În anii 1980, s-au dezvoltat doi noi termeni care sã defineascã ceea ce pânã atunci era o practicã comunã: primul, “drepturile ţãranilorµ şi, al doilea, varietãţi “cu polenizare liberãµ (seminţele din care se produce aceeaşi varietate în cazul în care nu se încrucişeazã cu o varietate similarã). Acest lucru s-a întâmplat din cauza schimbãrii dramatice a pieţei de seminţe. Astãzi, cele mai mari zece companii dominã trei pãtrimi din piaţa globalã de seminţe, mai mult de jumãtate din piaţa globalã provenind de la industria agrochimicã.
Majoritatea varietãţilor sunt subiectul unor restricţii tehnice şi legale care submineazã recultivarea seminţei pãstrate şi multiplicate de ţãrani. A fost introdus astfel acordul oficial, necesar pentru ca o sãmânţã sã intre pe piaţã, criteriile fiind adaptate pentru varietãţile industriale. Productivitatea şi populaţia globalã în creştere au fost folosite drept argumente pentru aceste mãsuri. Totuşi, Raportul multilateral întocmit de Evaluarea Internaţionalã de Stiinţe Agricole şi Tehnologice pentru Dezvoltare (IAASTD) ilustreazã instabilitatea acestei abordãri.
Diversitatea recoltelor a dispãrut masiv de pe piaţã. Acest lucru afecteazã diversitatea varietãţilor neînregistrate, care, în prezent, sunt schimbate sau comercializate de cetãţeni europeni îndrãzneţi fãrã nicio înregistrare. Astãzi, ne bazãm numai pe experienţa şi expertiza valoroasã a acestor oameni. Ar trebui sã încurajãm creşterea numãrului lor, şi nu doar ca hobby, ci şi ca mod de a trãi.
Un aspect secundar important este faptul cã în agricultura ecologicã, datoritã diversitãţii sale, nu au fost reproduse anumite varietãţi în mod special. Totuşi, agricultura organicã are nevoie de plante puternice fãrã intervenţia pesticidelor. Acest lucru este posibil numai cu o rezervã de gene naturale, larg rãspânditã. Varietãţile acestea sunt, în genere, considerate ca fiind inacceptabile pentru înregistrare sub criteriile actuale ale întregistrãrii seminţelor.

Sign up the petition!

Seedy Sunday Brighton (UK)

Brighton Corn Exchange
February 3, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Recaim the Seeds Meeting (NL)
March 2-3

by A Seed NL et. al.
Den Bosch, Netherlands

Bonn (D)
9. März 2013, 11-17 Uhr

Saatgut ist Kulturgut: Festival des Vereins zur Erhaltung der Nutzpflanzenvielfalt

Thurauen (CH)
23./24. März 2013

Internationale Saatgut-Tauschbörse von Longo Mai und Pro Specie Rara

Peliti International Seed Festival (HE)
May 11 - 13

Paranesti, Greece

Hello everyone who cares about our seeds and our freedom to use, exchange and sell them!
Take action in the legislative process of EU-Seed regulation!

There is urgent action needed to avoid damage by the upcoming new EU regulation of seed marketing. The new regulation will de facto ban old and rare varieties and farmers varieties and threaten the exchange and selling of seeds of diversity.
DG SANCO (the General Direction of the EU for Sanitary and Consumer affairs) has been working on a proposal for a new regulation since years. On Monday, the 6th of May they will present their proposal to the conference of commissioners. They could not get a consensus of the two other affected DGs, DG AGRI (agricultural affairs) and DG ENVI (environmental affairs). Both opposed the last draft of the proposal, and DG SANCO is not looking for a consensus.
The new regulation has mainly been drafted by Isabelle Clement-Nissou, an employee of GNIS, the French lobby of the Seed Industry. Madame Clement-Nissou was sent as a national expert to Brussels by the French government and is supposed to „support“ DG SANCO. The drafts for the proposal became worse from the first to the second draft; and it is expected that the final proposal is going into the same direction.
Since there is no consensus between the three DGs, the commissioners have to vote on the proposal. If a majority of commissioners votes against the proposal, it should be stopped. If they vote in favour, it will be given to the EU Parliament and to the Council.
The seed industry is pushing the legislation, because they’ve spent a lot of money to influence the seed legislation. Furthermore, they don't want it to be postponed after the election of a new parliament in May 2014. They take the risk that the commissioners vote against it – and we think: the commissioners should do so! There is only a little chance to get a majority of commissioners to vote against the current proposal, but we still should try.
Each country of the EU has one commissioner in Brussels, so we need 14 votes against the proposal. The commissioners of DG AGRI and DG ENVI should vote against, so we need 12 more.
Please write to the commissioner of your country and convince him/her to vote „NO“ on the proposal of DG SANCO on 6th of May.
The Austrian seed saving organisation “Arche Noah” prepared a draft letter that you could use as
template, if needed. Or write a better one!
You can find the members of the current commission

Try to make a link from his/her department to the seed issue, and try to make clear to him/her that the proposal for a new EU seed legislation will affect the cultural and biodiversity heritage of your country and the freedom of farmers to use the seeds and the varieties they want to.
Please write to your commissioner in Brussels immediatelz. He/she has to make a statement on the proposal from 24th of April on, the sooner, the better. On the 6th of May, we must obtain at least 14 objections, otherwise this proposal will become the official proposal
In order to coordinate the action, please tell us if you are going to approach your commissioner!

The Latest in the Battle to Reform EU Seed Laws (2013-02-24)

ALERT: Bad new EU-seed law ahead!
The DG SANCO (Directorate General for Health and Consumers) of the EU-Commission is working on a revision of the EU Seed Laws, currently a series of directives interpreted under national law, to be replaced by a single regulation that will come into force directly in all the 27 EU member states without local interpretation. This would suit the needs of seed multinationals which want uniform laws in all their markets, but would harm the diverse structures of agriculture and the diverse use and production of seeds. If you want to act on behalf of seed-sovereignty, for farmers and seed-savers, you have to become active in the coming months!
Diversity under attack!
The current draft of the proposed regula­tion, from Nov. 2012, contains some draconian measures for farm-based production seeds, and diversity of plant varieties. Farmers as seed producers would be subject to the same obligations of registration and regula­tion as multina­tional seed company operators. Varieties of diver­sity and old varieties would be endanger­ed, and the free exchange of seeds and other propaga­tion material could effectively be forbidden. If varieties have to be registered and to pass extensive testing, this would put up unreasonably high barriers for farmers, consumers and the diversity in agriculture and horticulture.
The European Seed Association, lobby organisation of the seed multinationals, has two main aims. First to control the niche markets and make them unattractive, and second to register all producers of farm saved seed in order to collect royalties from them. They are also trying to combine the testing and evaluation for plant variety protection (PVP) and the licensing for marketing, and to privatize the entire process. This would hit the small companies and farmers, who would face increasing and unreasonable testing and evaluation costs, for each single variety of seed they wish to use.
What‘s next?
The current draft regulation was written by DG SANCO. Before it becomes an official proposal of the EU-Commission, DG AGRI (Directorate General of Agriculture and Rural Development) and the DG ENVI (Directorate General for the Environment) have to agree to it‘s contents. At the moment there are several points of disagreement.
This opens a window we should use to struggle for more diversity, for open pollinated varieties (versus ”hybrid” varieties), and for more diverse seeds in the hands of farmers, gardeners and seed savers.

Our demands for a new EU seed law:

No regulation of seed exchange by seed savers and farmers!

No mandatory registration or certification for open pollinated varieties!

No discrimination against organic varieties by standards for registra­tion, certification and plant health!

Transparency on breeding meth­ods and intellectual property rights (patents and/or plant variety protection) of registered varieties!

New definition of varieties: not only homogeneous and stable varieties, but also open pollinated, selected from populations!

No privatization of registration and certification!

From seed to seed” -
An educational film on the production of seeds

The film is intended for all those interested in seed production - beginners, amateur gardeners, farmers, vocational colleges, children, those who wish to contribute to the conservation of plant diversity, those for whom it is urgent to grow their own seeds in order to adapt to different climate conditions or for food security

Resilient Seed
On the seed industry, EU seed laws and the engagement for seed-sovereignty

Resilient Seed“ - the film

Resilient Seed“ - the booklet
chap. 1.: Get informed and take action!
chap. 2.: The power of seed and agrochemical companies
chap. 3.: Seed marketing law
chap. 4.; Seed law in 2012 at a crossroads
chap. 5.: Plant variety protection (PVP) and UPOV
chap. 6.: Patents on plants
chap. 7.: How to organise a seed swap

Commission of the EU released drafts for new seed law

In the first weeks of November the Commission of the EU has released drafts for new regulations of the seed sector:
- „
Draft on plant reproductive materials”
- „
Draft paper on plant health”
- „
Draft paper on a proposal on official controls”

Resilient Seed
On the seed industry, EU seed laws and the engagement for seed-sovereignty

Resilient Seed“ - the film

Resilient Seed“ - the booklet
chap. 1.: Get informed and take action!
chap. 2.: The power of seed and agrochemical companies
chap. 3.: Seed law = seed marketing law
chap. 4.; Seed law in 2012 at a crossroads
chap. 5.: Plant variety protection (PVP) and UPOV
chap. 6.: Patents on plants
chap. 7.: How to organise a seed swap

Call to Action for Seed Sovereignty on 16 October 2012:
We need seed sovereignty
to be able to achieve food sovereignty!

Our demands are:

  • open access to fertile and diverse seeds free of any form of legal protection or patenting;

  • the right for farmers and gardeners to obtain seeds from their harvest, to re-sow, distribute and sell them;

  • a new model of agriculture based on local, small-scale food webs rather than monocultures requiring high inputs;

  • new agricultural and trade policies promoting production for local needs and not global “free” trade, dominated by transnational corporations;

  • policies that favour the needs of farmers and consumers, health and the environment instead of profits for big business.

Complete call for action

The European Court of Justice's decision reconfirms the interdiction of seed trade:
Diversity of Cultivated Varieties still endangered

The European Court of Justice stated the validity of current EU legislation on seed commerce by its judgement on 12th of July. Thereby it rejected the fundamental critics uttered beforehand by Advocate General Kokott. Accordingly, the existing trade embargo for seeds from non-registered varieties remains untouched. This is a defeat for the agricultural biodiversity and the ones who dedicate themselves to self-determined agriculture and gardening.

Andreas Riekeberg from the campaign for seed-sovereignty says: „It is an annoying judgement far from the reality. The court solely has reconfirmed the current EU legislation without taking into account the detailed critic by Advocate General Kokott, which pointed out the ongoing destruction of biodiversity on the fields and in the gardens driven by the respective directives. This is a slap in the face of those concerned with agricultural diversity. The judgement keeps going on promoting the seed industry and their uniform varieties which only grow with the help of chemical inputs, be it pesticides or fertilizers.“

Jürgen Holzapfel lives on the farm Ulenkrug in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. He is a cultivator of old cereal varieties and saves his own seeds. He says: „I would have to tell the authorities about all the varieties of seeds which I save, even if I use them just for myself. To commercialize them, I would need to register them as conservation varieties, pay the fees and bear in mind not to exceed a certain quantity. I would even have to arrange with other farmers not to exceed the maximum threshold for a specific variety in a specific region. The court claims in the official press release to ensure the protection of plant genetic resources by this provision. This is just not true.“

The objectives of the campaign for seed-sovereignty are described by Anne Schweigler: „We will continue to struggle for the common right of all farmers and gardeners to decide for themselves which variety to cultivate. We will keep on organizing seed swaps and enhancing regional and international networks. The production of food and our alimentation have to be self-determined and must not be controlled by the agro-industry.“

The campaign for seed-sovereignty criticizes the policy of conserving the biodiversity stretched into a dwarfish frame by the EU directive. This in turn shall impede the emergence of a market of regional farm-saved seeds, e. g. for vegetables, cereals and seed oil as an alternative to the industrial market. Today, the European Court of Justice follows the legislative in its attempt to; „ … preventing the emergence of a parallel market for such seed, which was likely to constitute an impediment to the internal market for seed of vegetable varieties “. As written in the court's press release. It could have interfered with the business of the market-dominating corporations.

The campaign for seed-sovereignty is in line with the majority of seed saving initiatives in Europe, saying that the conservation directive is an impediment to the sustainment of biodiversity, which is luckily hardly applicable in reality. However, seed savers can be subject to prosecution when their work is disturbing the corporations.

The legal dispute between the seed saving initiative Kokopelli and the corporation Graines Beaumaux challenged the validity of current EU law and was brought to the European Court of Justice. The opinion of Advocate General Kokott on January 1st 2012 gave rise to hope that the restrictive EU directives could be dismissed.

Principally, only registered seeds may be traded within the EU. What was once meant to guarantee their quality, has evolved into a strong limitation of the diversity of seeds. Many old varieties have disappeared from the gardens and the shelves in the stores, either because they do not meet the catalogues constraints or their registration cannot be afforded by small farmers or initiatives.

Within the last 30 years a tremendous concentration on the seed market has been observed. A few transnational corporations comprise 65% to 80% of the share, depending on the crop and the region of the world. This was crucial to the accelerated destruction of biodiversity. Not until recent years (2008 - 2010), has the EU adopted three directives on conservation varieties. However, the activity of seed saving farmers and gardeners is limited due to the admission procedure and the restrictions of produced quantity.

Opinion of the Advocate General (19.01.2012):

Press release of the European Court of Justice (12.07.2012):

Decision C-59/11 of the EJC:

(Translation of the press release of the Campaign for Seed Sovereignty from 12.07.2012)

other statements:

Kampagne für Saatgut-Souveränität (auf Deutsch, 12/072012)

Kokopelli (en Française, 12/07/2012)

Reseau de Semences Paysannes (en Française, 17/07/2012)

Red de Semillas (en Castellano, 23/07/2012)

Video message of Olivier de Schutter to the Days of Action

New EU Seed Law: “all power to the multinationals”

By Erik D'haese
March 24th, 2012 (MO * magazine, Belgium 06-12-2011) -The European Union is working on a new legislation for seeds. Earlier this year a Stakeholder Consultation was organised. There are, however, quite a few comments to make about the way this consultation happened. There is also the question of whether the law which emerges will present a sensible answer to the problems agriculture and the food system are currently facing. UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter doesn't seem convinced that it will.
Full text

Days of action in Portugal - report:

17./18. April:Day of action in Poland – more than 100 events for the preserving of seeds:

Seed Sovereignty is the basis for Food Sovereignty!

On October, 16th, there will be the World Food Day. The Forum for Food Sovereignty Nyeleni- Europe”, which met in August in Krems/Austria in August, calls for decentral actions during the week prior to October, 16th.

We, the Seed Campaign, understand ourselves as a part of the actions and the movements for food sovereignty.

We demand:

  • the right to obtain seeds from our own harvest, to re-sow, distribute and sell them;

  • the promotion of diversity in all regions by supporting conservers and breeders of varieties that can be re-sown;

  • the prohibition of genetic modofication technologies in agriculture;

  • the prohibition, without exceptions, of patents on plants and animals, their traits and genes, as well as patents on breeding methods;

  • a new agrarian policy, which, instead of supporting energy-intensive industrial production and monocultures, promotes biodiverse and ecological production.

Because of the October, 16th, we publish a message from Oliver de Schutter, the United Nations' Special Rapporteur on the right to food, in solidarity with these worldwide struggles for food souvereignty. He sent this video-message to the Seed Campaign (and the European Civic Forum, as one of the initiators of the campaign) on the occasion of the Seed Action Days in April in Brussels.

Oliver de Schutter covers the issue of seed policies on the relationship between access to seeds and the Right to Food. He focuses on the developing countries and the consequences for peasants of the European and global seed legislations.

Read the text of the video message in English

Watch the video message online (French with English subtitles)

Download the video (70 MB!)

Free our seeds!

International Days of Action
Brussels, 17-18 April 2011

First European Seed Swap with participants from across Europe and beyond.

Sunday, April 17th in Brussels organizations from ten European countries offered heritage seeds for free or trade. Traditionally farmers trade seeds, but this practice has largely been lost in Western Europe, in favor of the industrial model of modern agriculture. Hundreds of seed varieties were displayed on tables, with growers and visitors deeply engaged in conversation. The seed swap took place on the day peasant farmers organization La Via Campesina designated as a worldwide day of action.

There have been seed swaps in different European countries, but this is the first one at the European level”, says the German, Jürgen Holzapfel, co-organiser of the event and himself a farmer involved in conserving traditional wheat varieties. “Seed swaps are an important contribution to conserving agricultural biodiversity.”

Seed is has always been the foundation of food sovereignty in Poland”, said Maciek Pilarski, coordinator of the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside from Stryszow. “In Poland, there are 1.5 million small scale farmers, who could play an important role in conserving old varieties.”

In the Turkish language the importance of seed is made evident in that only those who produce seed are called farmers. The others are called ‘guardians of the field’”, relates Abdullah Aysu, president of the Turkish Confederation of Farmers (Çiftçi Sen) which represents 40,000 small farmers. Çiftçi Sen is a member of Via Campesina and therefore participates in the Brussels seed swap.

The seed swap took place as part of the seed action days, organized by the international campaign “Sowing the Future, Harvesting Diversity” ( As part of the action days, a petition will be handed over to the European Parliament on Monday. The petition, signed by more than 50 000 people in 20 countries, protests against planned reforms in EU legislation which would make swapping and distributing seeds of traditional varieties much more difficult.

During a colorful and good natured march, dubbed the 'Anti Lobby Tour', more than 58,000 signatures were submitted to the EU parliament.

On Monday, April 18th, the second day of the international days of action for seed sovereignty, a large demonstration marched through the EU district of Brussels. On this Anti Lobby Tour, in front of the Bayer agrochemical and seed company building, a petition with more than 58,000 signatories was handed over to three Members of the European Parliament.

Jürgen Holzapfel stressed the demands of the seed campaign: "We insist on the right to resow seeds from our own harvest for purpose of propagation and further distribution. Furthermore, we wish to see support of locally adapted varieties by promotion of conservation of heritage varieties and breeding improved varieties for organic and bio-diverse agriculture. We demand a new method of seed certification, which excludes GMO or chemical and energy intensive varieties."

In reply to the handover of the signatures, Vice President of the EU Parliament and Belgian MEP Isabelle Durant referred to the demonstrators as a vanguard that would continue to address important issues. She demanded this happen at all levels both within the EU and in member states. Together with their parliamentary colleagues Marc Tarabella and Kriton Arsenis, she took the signatures in three wheelbarrows to the European Parliament building. During the handover, MEP Tarabella called for a full inquiry into the consequences of proposed EU seed legislation reform.

Other stops brought the Anti Lobby Tour to the European Seed Association (ESA) building, the lobbying organization for the European seed industry, and to the DG General Research of the European Commission. Both of whom promote the use of industrial and genetically modified seeds.

After entertaining plays and speeches from representatives of Turkey and India on the impact of the EU seed law on small farmers, the demonstration concluded at the Place du Luxembourg square.

"The action days were a great success!" said Anne Schweigler, one of the organizers, “I'm very optimistic about the future. The enthusiasm and interest of the many people in the seed-swap, and the critical mass here today of many dedicated people of different backgrounds has strengthened hope in all of us. Here we've shown concrete and workable alternatives to the process of privatizing all areas of life and the living."


Video-Interviews on Seed Sovereignty


More than 40 members from 17 Organisations of 12 European countries took part in the World Café in Brussels on 18/04/2011

from Austria/Germany:
Arche Noah

from Belgium:
Jardin des collines
AEFJN (Af.-Eu.-Net)

from Danmark:
Danish Seed Savers

from France/Suisse/Germany: Europ. Civic Forum

from Germany:
BUKO-Campaign against Biopiracy
IG Saatgut

from Great Britain:
Seedy Sunday
GM free Cymru

from Greece:

from Ireland:
Irish seed savers association

from Luxembourg:
Radio Ara

from Poland:

from the Netherlands:
Bifurcated Carrots

Supporter of the international days of action

from Belgium:

Nature & Progrès
Le Début des Haricots
Rencontre des Continents
Réseau des GASAP
Les amis de la terre
FIAN Belgium
Le Centre liégeois du Beau Mur
La ferme du Hayon
Mouvement des objecteurs de croissance
La Bande de Gasath
Collectif 123
SOS Faim
Associations 21
Oxfam Solidarité
Terre & conscience
Collectif Artivist
Reclaim The Fields
magasins du monde OXFAM
Comité pour le respect des droits humains "Daniel Gillard"
Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale
Les Jardins de Pomones
Tuinbouwbedrijf Akelei
les Vers Tiges au Balcon

from Europe

Invitation to the action days in Brussels

Invitation to the seed-swap

Graz declaration” of 2010

La Via Campesina, 16.3.2011:
Peasant Seeds: Dignity, Culture and Life. Farmers in Resistance to Defend their Right to Peasant Seeds

Let‘s meet in Brussels!


Tens of thousands of people throughout Europe are actively demanding that the right to produce seeds remains in the hands of small farmers and gardeners. A diversity of crops has nourished mankind for thousands of years. Seeds that we have inherited from past generations are the basis of life and are essential for food sovereignty.

The big seed trusts are determined to obtain worldwide control. This has been made clear by genetic engineering, patents on plants and animals, the introduction of seed reproduction fees… Add to that terminator technology that destroys the fertility of seeds and the prohibition of peasant varieties. We must prevent the very basis of our food supply from becoming a source of profit for multinational companies.

Two years ago we launched the petition „Sowing the future-harvesting diversity“ to protest against planned new European Union seed laws that are dominated by the interests of the big seed companies.

We intend to present the tens of thousands of signatures collected throughout Europe to the European Parliament and call for an enquiry to clarify whether these laws violate the fundamental right to food and to access to seeds.

We invite you to participate in two days of action during which we will make clear our opposition to EU policies and our intention to resist against them.

Come to Brussels! We are not prepared to accept that the basis of our livelihood is handed over to multinationals. In the future we intend to maintain and pass on the heritage of our plant varieties.

The main event will take place on 17 April, the day of international peasant resistance declared by Via Campesina, followed by a demon-stration on the 18th.

If you cannot come to Brussels, organise similar events in your countries, cities and villages!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

11.00 -18.00 „Maison des Cultures et de la cohésion sociale de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean”, Chaussée de Merchtem 67, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean

International Seed Swap and
multilingual exhibition on seeds

Through this seed swap we want to draw public attention to a practice that has become increasingly widespread throughout Europe over the past few years and that could be made illegal by the planned EU laws.

16.00 -19.00 Molenbeek Cultural Centre

Conference with presentations and debate
„Access to seeds is a human right“

Activists from India, Turkey and several European countries will describe the situation concerning seeds in their countries and the consequences of the planned EU laws.

19.00 – 24.00 Molenbeek Cultural Centre

Music and films, dance and demo workshop

popular kitchen” of the „collectif du 123”

Monday 18 April 2011

10.00 -13.00 „Mundo B”, Rue d'Edimbourg 26, 1050 Bruxelles


Getting to know each other, exchange of experience and knowledge, discussions on collective work on seeds and the maintaining and multiplication of plant and crop diversity in gardens and fields.

15.00 -17.00 Demonstration

Demonstration to the Brussels offices of seed companies and their lobby organisations

Please contact us if you want to take part in these events and in the growing resistance against the monopolisation and privatisation of seeds !

Download PDF

Seedy Sunday 2010 in Brighton:

Photos by Dan Johnson Photography

Grassroots Seed Activism in the UK, by Debbie Greenfield, Chair, Seedy Sunday Brighton

Invitation to a

seed swap and exchange of know-how

Brussels, Sunday 17 April 2011

Within the framework of two days of action, an international seed swap will be organised with the aim of circulating all kinds of hardy and reproducible seeds and exchanging information, experiences and know-how on the production of seeds.

This event will bring together many initiatives which already exist in various countries. It will give them an occasion to present their activities and to establish links between us. This has become all the more urgent in view of the fact that European and international laws and regulations, either already in force or in preparation, could very well hinder or even prohibit such seed swaps.

Our main objective is to encourage the practice by farmers, amateur and professional gardeners of exchanging and giving seeds. This ancient tradition could be adopted by all people who are aware of the loss of diversity of varieties and of the risk posed by the growing privatisation of life-forms. We are witnessing a serious erosion of theoretical and practical knowledge. We want to look at ways of drawing attention to this danger and of passing this know-how on to a wider public.

To achieve this, we must use all means at our disposal!

Bring whatever you can that you think is appropriate to this event : seeds, exhibitions, slide shows, brochures, documents, films… Proposals for workshops (production and extraction of seeds, awareness building on gardening and agriculture…) or exhibits (vegetables, fruit, seeds, cereals or other collections of biodiversity…) will be welcome. Help us to awaken all our senses!

During the morning of Monday 18 April there will be time for meetings and discussions between all those interested in getting to know each other better. We would like to imagine together how experience and know-how concerning seeds can be passed on. Do you have training or pedagogical tools or methods which could be shared by others? In your opinion what would it be important to develop and in what form? Would you be ready to participate in the elaboration of such tools? Do you want to suggest other subjects for discussion on Monday morning?

Practical aspects

For the seed swap, send us an exact list of what you need: space, tables, electricity, exhibition panels… If you cannot take part, you could send seeds that you are ready to share with us. The more seeds there are, the more diversity will be distributed. We ask you only to bring naturally produced reproducible varieties (no F1 or F2, GMOs, GMPs) with no risk of unintentional crossbreeds between varieties.

We will send you a more detailed program once it is available.

By nature seeds are nomadic,
let us help them to travel!

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Longo Maï Seed-exhibition and excange in Païs Alp 2009, Provençe:

Participants (11-04-2011):

  • Les jardins de Pomones (Belgium)

  • Deccan Development Socity (India) – cancelld :(

  • Irish Seed Savers Association

  • Kokopelli (Belgium and France)

  • Gartenbaubetrieb „Akelei“ (Belgium)

  • De Godin“ Essbare Landschaften (Netherlands)

  • Bifurcated Carrots (Netherlands)

  • Longo Mai (France and Germany)

  • Scandinavian Seedsavers

  • Heritage Seed Library (England)

  • Peliti (Greece)

  • Schloss Freudenberg (Germany)

  • Tom Wagner (USA) – table display only!

  • De Velt (Belgium)

  • International Coalition for the Protection of the Polish Countryside (ICPPC)

  • Naturalni (Poland)

  • Poland free of GMO”

  • Keyserlingk Institut (Germany)

  • Kaiserstühler Gärten (eventuell) (Germany)

From March 25. to 27, 2010, 160 representatives of the European seed networks gathered in Graz, Austira, for the 5th European Seed Meeting “Let’s Liberate Diversity!”. They included groups that work on the conservation, use and distribution of plant diversity, civil society organizations, gardeners, breeders, and men and woman farmers from over 20 countries. (...)

Graz Declaration: Freedom for Diversity


We demand:

  • the right to obtain seeds from our own harvest, to re-sow, distribute and sell them;

  • the promotion of diversity in all regions by supporting conservers and breeders of varieties that can be re-sown;

  • the prohibition of genetic modofication technologies in agriculture;

  • the prohibition, without exceptions, of patents on plants and animals, their traits and genes, as well as patents on breeding methods;

  • a new agrarian policy, which, instead of supporting energy-intensive industrial production and monocultures, promotes biodiverse and ecological production.

These demands are directed toward Member States and the European Institutions.

The participants of the 5th European Meeting in Graz, March 2010.

Download complete declaration as PDF

Crop diversity is the result of human actions all over the world that created it. It is a common good and it belongs to everyone. Access to diversity is fundamental for our daily bread and for achieving food sovereignty. In many regions of the world men and women farmers still continue to produce, exchange, and sell their own seeds.

Seed laws in Europe are to be changed in 2011. The seed industry wants to extends its intellectual property rights and the patenting of crop varieties. It lobbies for stronger control and even the prohibition of farmers' non-registered varieties.

10 companies, among them Bayer, Monsanto, Syngenta and Limagrain, already control 67% of the world seed market. They no longer want to miss out on the rest of the market when they could impose their registered varieties - which usually only thrive with the help of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation - upon the rest of the world. However, it is not these genetically homogenous industrial seed varieties which will be able to feed the world in the future, but the diverse, regional varieties which are able to adapt to climate change.

The negotiations for the new European seed law are taking place behind closed doors, among representatives of the seed industry and EU bureaucrats. This does not lead us to expect a positive outcome. In order to influence the new seed laws we want to raise public awareness for our goals.

We demand:

  • the right to produce our seeds from our own harvests, to re-sow and to give them to others;

  • to encourage regional crop variety by supporting the men and women who keep and breed organic varieties;

  • to forbid genetic technologies in agriculture;

  • to exclude patents on plants;

  • to forbid GMOs and varieties that require intensive chemical use;

  • to end high energy inputs in agriculture which are the result of monocultures, long transport routes as well as industrial crops that require chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

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5th Meeting of the European Seed Network
Let's liberate diversity"
Graz, Austria
25 -27 March 2010
